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Simple. Secure. Compliant.

This is how modern contract management works.

With LEDOX365 based on Microsoft 365, you can take your contract management to a new level. Easy to use, fully integrated into your Microsoft environment and existing purchasing and ERP systems, secure and compliant.

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All steps of the contract life cycle.

LEDOX365 is the state-of-the-art contract management system based on Microsoft 365. Your in-house lawyers and business users get a centralized software for contract lifecycle management and collaboration - harness the power of the Microsoft 365 platform with digital processes for all steps of the contract lifecycle.

Improve and accelerate not only contract creation, but also negotiation, approval and signature workflows, and archiving. With LEDOX365, you not only meet compliance and quality standards, but can also reduce costs through effective processes.


Create, structure and manage contracts intelligently.

Empower both your in-house counsel and business users with centralized contract lifecycle management and collaboration software based on Microsoft 365 with digital processes.


Contract Creation

In LEDOX365 können alle Mitarbeitenden Ihres Unternehmens mit nur wenigen Klicks Verträge erstellen. Klauseln und Templates werden einfach verwaltet und im Unternehmen freigegeben.

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Verträge betreffen nicht nur die Rechtsabteilung. Eine nahtlose Zusammenarbeit bei Verträgen ist daher essenziell für den Erfolg des gesamten Unternehmens.

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Contract Administration

Ihre Verträge bleiben an ihrem Speicherort in Microsoft 365 und liegen dort sicher und compliant ab. Für Sie als Unternehmen sind sie an einem Ort jederzeit digital verfügbar.

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Reporting & Analysis

Kombinieren Sie Erkenntnisse, Risiken und Informationsmanagement in einem einzigen, zentralisierten Repository mit Fristenmanagement, Berichten und Datenaufbewahrungsrichtlinien.

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Durch die vielfältigen Integrationen von LEDOX365 können Ihre Teams mit Verträgen in den Anwendungen, die Sie täglich nutzen, arbeiten, um den Vertragsfluss zu beschleunigen und Ihr Unternehmen voranzubringen.

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Compliance & Security

Mit LEDOX365 werden keine Daten außerhalb ihrer Umgebung verarbeitet und Sie nutzen die volle Leistung ihres Microsoft 365 Tenants inklusiver aller Compliance, Governance und IT Security Services, Konfigurationen und Teams nahtlos weiter.

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How it works

Which features
LEDOX365 offers:

Simple drafting of Contracts

Enable your company to create and edit contracts without the involvement of the legal department using self-service functions and templates.

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Collaboration across Teams

LEDOX365 uses the communication tools of Microsoft 365 and extends them with simple workflows to make collaboration easy and secure.

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Effective administration

Combine insights, risk and information management in a single, centralized repository with deadline management, search, reporting and data retention policies.

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Reporting & Analysis

Reporting and evaluations are automatically evaluated on a user and authorization basis and can be exported and displayed in Bi Tools.

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Multiple Integrations

LEDOX365 's multiple integrations allow your teams to work with contracts in the applications you use every day to accelerate contract flow and move your business forward.

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Compliant and Secure

LEDOX365 is fully embedded as a private cloud application in your existing Microsoft 365 tenant, especially SharePoint and Azure, in compliance with your security and compliance standards.

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LEDOX365 AI assistent

Complete tasks and processes in seconds with the LEDOX365 AI assistant

The LEDOX365 AI Studio enables the secure application of AI technologies with company data on the basis of contracts. Standardized functions are provided for various process steps and integrated into them.

  • Secure application and integration of AI technologies with Azure OpenAi Services
  • Automated summarization of contracts and contract files
  • Analysis of contracts for completeness or potential risks
  • Automated creation of recommendations for action or letters / documents
  • Extraction of key metadata to support the storage of contracts and migrations of legacy data

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End-to-end digital processes in contract management.

LEDOX365 provides both in-house counsel and business users with digital end-to-end processes for the entire contract lifecycle.

More About Legal Business

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