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Conferences 19th April 2023

Vienna Legal Tech 2023

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See you next year Vienna – two exciting days at Vienna Legal Tech are over and we are looking forward to next year!

An exciting event with lots of great impressions, inspiration and an open & transparent exchange with many experts from the legal tech and operations scene! We discussed a lot, exchanged ideas about innovations and expanded our network with great, inspiring and very interesting people.

What questions were at the centre of the conference?

1. How can legal tech support the work of lawyers and which technologies play an important role in this context – both today and in the future?
2. How does increasing digitalisation influence corporate culture and what (new) skills are needed?
3. How can I make process flows more efficient without neglecting the needs of my stakeholders and corporate identities?

Together with Sven von Alemann, Alexander Gröger and Lars Bendler, we gave a plenary presentation on ‘Transforming Legal Practices: Microsoft 365 and emerging technologies’ and presented our contract lifecycle management LEDOX365 to many interested parties.
Many thanks also to Business Circle and Moritz Mirascija and Monika Brüggerhoff for the professional organisation and the great choice of locations!

Thank you for the great contributions and the inspiring discussions and see you next year!

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your LEDOX365 CLM?