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Certificate Program 17th May 2023

Premiere of the LEDOX365 partner certification training course


Experience the transformative power of LEDOX365 together with Office365 in our LEDOX365 Consultant Training! Expand your expertise and discover the impressive benefits of LEDOX365, the compelling use cases and the limitless possibilities not only for the legal department. Get to know the possibilities of migrating, connecting and integrating other systems. This training will provide you with advanced knowledge on drafting contracts, streamlining workflows, mastering negotiations, approvals, signatures and analysis.

First certified LEDOX365 consultant partner

We are pleased to announce that Deloitte and Klaus Gresbrand’s team were the first to complete our certification program for LEDOX365, our innovative Contract Lifecycle Management solution. 🎉

Many thanks to Sophia Schick, Dmitri Geidel, Klaus Gresbrand and Xanti Robinson Alex for the visit to our office and the memorable day together!

The dedication and commitment of the Deloitte team throughout the training process was commendable.
Their expertise and comprehensive understanding of contract management combined with their forward-thinking approach has set the bar high for industry standards.

Be inspired and explore the possibilities that LEDOX365 offers in the area of Contract Lifecycle Management and learn valuable tips and tricks on how to use Microsoft 365 services, such as MS Teams, SharePoint, Planner and the Office 365 tools.

Become part of the future and acquire valuable skills to get the most out of your everyday Microsoft services and successfully support companies in the implementation of LEDOX365. 💪💡

We look forward to continuing to support legal professionals with the capabilities of LEDOX365.
Stay tuned for more updates on our certificate program as we look to make a lasting impact on the way contracts are managed.

Congratulations also to the Join GmbH team of Isabelle Mohr, Niels Wagner, Alexandru Iuga, Lars Bendler and Sven von Alemann who also completed the training and earned their certificates!

Ready to move forward with
your LEDOX365 CLM?